Is it to much to be romanced every now and again!

My husband and I have been together for almost 15 yrs married almost 6 yrs and up to this day he has NEVER done anything romantic, I make little hits to about oh that would be so romantic just a night to the 2 of us ( we have 2 kids) but nothing, how he proposed to me wasn’t even romantic it was at 7:30am I just woke up with our then 3 yr old daughter and he came home from what I thought was work but was his sisters house were he was partying all night and he even said he wanted to get it over with so he could go sleep for a few hours. I just see all these women and their men pamper them and mine does nothing and yes I’ve tried talking about it but it gets us no where he starts bitching about me being just dumb and need to realize that’s not him.