Just need to rant (sort of long)

I’m feeling so stressed out and anxious over this situation with this guy I’m in a relationship with. A couple days ago on Friday we got in a really stupid fight. We were texting as usual and he said he was ready to say goodnight because he wasn’t feeling good. And I responded with “Okaiii” This is a word that I use often with everybody that just means “okay”, and I use it nearly everyday with him. He responds to me with “Why do you spell okay like that?” And I said “I don’t know. It just means okay I guess” and he responds to me with “Are trying to make me feel guilty for wanting to go to sleep?” And then sends another message saying “Actually I don’t have time for this drama, I’m sick and need to sleep. Goodnight.” This made me mad because A) He’s asked me about okaiii already before B) he was saying he didn’t want to deal with the drama, but I didn’t start any drama C) he still asked if I was trying to make him guilty after I explained that it just means okay, and he didn’t even give me a chance to say no, not trying to make you guilty. So I sent a few text messages saying those things to him. The next day I wake up to a “Good Morning” from him and I responded with “Good Morning”. I wasn’t expecting to hear anything until at least 6pm from him, which is when he usually texts me after he gets home from work. I didn’t hear anything from him. So I started feeling guilty about getting mad at him for getting mad at me, and sent an apology text. The next morning I wake up and still no text from him, so I’m feeling a little worried. So that afternoon I call him and say sorry again, and that I wanted to make sure he was okay. The day goes on and I still don’t hear anything from him. So I text him one last time that night asking if he got my call, and that I’m worried about him. A couple hours later I finally get a text saying that he’s sick with a fever, cold, and sore throat. And that I haven’t said anything about that in my last few messages so unless I have some words of “concern, or compassion for his current condition” to leave him alone until he is better. At this point I’m like what? I thought he wasn’t responding to me because he was mad at me for getting mad at him, for thinking I was causing drama. So all I was thinking about was apologizing, and worrying if he was still alive after not hearing from him for so long (yes that’s something I worry about). So I send a few messages saying I hope he feels better, I have most definitely been worried about him, I have been concerned, etc. And then a day later is today, and I haven’t gotten anymore texts from him. And I’m worried of course, anxious about the situation, sad, and don’t know what else I can do. I think I’ll wait a couple days and see if he finally responds to my messages before I send another. But I really wish he would text me to keep me updated on how he’s feeling. This is the worst “fight” we’ve had over the course of dating for over year. Usually we send a few angry messages back and forth, and we’re back to normal by the next day. This situation is stressing me out so much that the worst of my anxiety has come back full throttle, where I’m constantly anxious about this. I just had to tell someone what’s going on, because I don’t really have anyone else to tell. And if you read the whole thing thank you 🙏 and if you have any advice, also thank you 🙏