

My birth story is emotional, sad but yet funny. During my Pregnancy I lost one of my Bestfriends, then my ex and then my cousin all within my first trimester. My cousins death was actually July 17th, 2013. Exactly 6 months later we held a candlelight vigil for her. My aunt had been joking with me all week saying you’re going into labor Friday. I was like no I’m not I have a week left. Well Friday after the vigil we all went back to my aunts house where I ate a whole pizza, and then drank a sprite. about an hour later I had really bad cramps in my vaginal area so I thought i got a UTI from the soda lol. Mind you I had a weird pregnancy. I only felt him kick once, my stomach was small as hell, I didn’t look preg, and I never got Braxton Hicks. So when I googled contractions I read that my stomach is supposed to tighten.

None of that was going on they were just cramps down low. The kind I get when I have a UTI.

So as I’m experiencing “bladder cramps” I’m thinking “why the hell did I drink that soda” lol I went him to lay down. That didnt work so I took a warm shower. That didn’t work so I got onto my <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android.nurture">pregnancy app</a> to talk to my Bestfriend about it. She’s like “why tf are you still laying down. Time then they could be contractions. I timed them, they were every 35 seconds.. so I headed to the hospital where to my surprise I was in labor lol. I had him the next morning!

I had a very easy labor and delivery (after the epidural) 😂 now almost 4 years later I have a sweet toddler. And hopefully we will be adding to our family soon 🤞🏾