Finally! Need help please


Finally we got our bfp a few days ago. I'm currently admitted into the hospital for pain in my legs. The hospital staff had to give me a test to confirm pregnancy and urine came back positive and also blood results. Yayy. So dr ordered for a ultrasound just to have an idea how far along I am... well here's where things get weird. There was 2 sacs with no embryo in em yet, ultrasound estimated in 5 weeks. The dr didn't want to tell me anything about carrying twins so she changed her story and said it's too early to tell and it could be 1 sac with the other one being a tiny blood clot 🤷🏻‍♀️ I'm so confused. So she ordered a HCG test within 48 hours. Within 48 hrs my hcg jumped up to 54050. So those ladies who had twins, can you tell me your experience from the beginning. What was your hcg and at how many weeks did they confirm twins for you? Thanks in advance