I have 3 other kiddos and one OTW, so she is not my first rodeo. I’ve never had a child that’s THIS picky. She had issues with gagging and vomiting on foods when she was smaller (which she still does if she does not “like” what’s given to her). I took her to a SLP but literally all their advice was stuff I already knew as a pediatric OT, so I discontinued visits when I got as far as I could go with that. She is on Pediasure rather than whole milk to get the extra vitamins and keep her weight up. She will only eat baby cereal mixed with puréed fruit in the morning. Followed she will eat some dry cereal like Cheerios. Once in a great while she will take bites of my cereal in milk, doughnuts or muffins (literally maybe 3 or 4 bites). Lunch she will only eat yogurt (I’ve tried PB&J;’s, grilled cheese, chicken nuggets etc.,) but she will only take one bite and sometimes gag. Followed she will eat Teddy Graham’s. For dinner I have to mash up the Gerber toddler meals and if I’m lucky she will take 3 bites. If she eats more then that, she will occasionally gag and vomit because she simply doesn’t want anymore. While eating dinner I alternate food, Goldfish or something similar, food so on and so fourth. All of her meals are hit or miss meaning sometimes she won’t eat any of it and fight me for an hour or more before she will eat. I will not take her out of her seat till she eats at least one bite. So, after all of that, it doesn’t seem like a texture thing as she can eat hard foods like crackers, soft foods, and foods that are “mixed texture” like certain pies or ice cream (yeah, no problem with desserts 🍨 ), it’s more of her refusing to eat anything new or different or that she just doesn’t find “good” on first bite, so she’ll resort to the gagging. Please tell me I’m not alone, all my kids were eating table or modified table foods by now!