My dec 17 baby became a New Years baby


My son and I have had a wild ride this last month. He was supposed to be a Christmas baby but the Little stinker didn't want to come out lol. Went in on the 21st so the dr could see if maybe she could help get my labor going. I have a lot of scar tissue on my cervix so they were trying to break it up. She put a little gel stuff on me and sent me home. The 28th I came in to be induced at 6pm they inserted the cervidil and told me they would come take it out at 7am. So I got on the ball, went and walked. All that jazz. 7am comes they take it out and say no change 😫 so they next thing is they are going to start me on cytotec well 8 comes then 10 and my nurse comes in and says they are moving me cause they just had 4 girls come in in active labor 😳 and since I'm just being induced they are moving me to med surg til they can get me going again. So I'm thinking at least ghet aren't sending me home. An hour later she come in and says the L&d; and PP is full and they are sending me home 😭😭😭😭 all i could do was cry. I just wanted my little guy in my arms and the disappointment was crushing. So me and daddy head back home. They tell me come back on the 31st. Told them if I come back that I'm not leaving without a baby on the outside lol. They said nope we are doing this. So the 31st I come in and we start the cervidil again. Midnight comes and i think dang no tax deduction lol. There was another girl on with me and we were racing to have the first New Years baby lol. I was winning until about 9 then she jumped from a 3 to a 7 and i was like I'm never gonna catch her lol. So we are waiting patiently. Little man is still squirming around. He decided he was gonna make me wait forever i guess. The took the cervidil out and just started me on pitocin and I was like this is it. Thinking I'm gonna go from a 2 to an 10 in a couple hours and have him. Nope. He's still moving around so me and daddy go walk. And we walk around the PP floor and back to L&D; about 3 times and my contractions are pretty strong but I'm able to walk and breathe thru them. Then i hear a pop and i freeze thinking my water just broke. No. Son decided he was ready and coming. I went from a 2-5 in about 30 minutes and I was like give me the epidural. They said it's gonna take an hour cause the anesthesiologist is on call and we have to run a bag of fluid. I'm like get on it lol. By this point I'm on my hands and knees rocking thru contractions cause man they were no joke. I was hurting so bad I just went to a whole nother place. I about not my bff and that was pretty funny lol. Finally the anesthesiologist gets there and she's like ok I need you to be really still. I'm like right now I'll be whatever you want me to be. She gets me prepared and then puts in the medicine. Y'all I've never felt relief like that before. Was still feeling contractions and she was like hit the button. And the relief. The glorious relief. I was thinking for the Momma's that do this shit natural y'all need a prize. They come and check me and they are like you're at an 8. Glad they didn't check me before cause they probably would have said i was too far 😱😱. I went to sleep for about an hour and then they came and checked me and I love the nurses at our hospital. They don't make. I craziness about it they are just calm and she's like we are gonna do some practice pushes and then she's like ok on the next contraction get ready and I'm like are we doing this and she says heck yeah. I'm like where's Troy and he comes in and after about 20 minutes of pushing and a 2nd degree tear our

Precious Maxwell was born into the world. He is so perfect guys. I can't believe the love that floods you. I thought that was just something people say but man. It. Was. Amazing. Welcome to the world MAXWELL EUGENE!! Momma and daddy love you so very much.