Husband prefers cuddle to sex

This is new and not like him. I just had a baby 4 months ago and wasn't given the clear to have sex for 8wks. I finally was given the clear but he's military so he does a lot of training with his deployment coming up so his excuse is he's tired. I don't have stretch marks on my stomach, no extra skin, ive lost all but 8lbs of my baby weight, so I don't THINK it's a physical thing but since I just had a baby I'm insanely insecure right now. We had sex once in November, once in December, and so far nothing in January. There was a period where I was hitting on him borderline raping him but he would just laugh and say he was tired and go to sleep. I finally got tired of being rejected and told him when he's ready to hit on me im there. I don't know why he's suddenly acting like this. I've voiced my concern but nothing has changed and then one night he said "let's do more of this" while we were cuddling. Sometimes I'll ask him to cuddle and he'll put a hand on me. It's kind of an inside joke but at the same time I was told some bullshit that he wanted to do more of that. 🙄🔫 what's his deal guys?