Further along than expected?


Hello all, I suffer from PCOS, and didn’t have a period for about a year before I found out I was pregnant. This makes it especially hard for my husband and I to pinpoint exactly when we conceived as were/are very “active.” I found out I was pregnant through a blood test, and my first ultrasound was at my RE’s office- baby was measuring 13w4d, EDD April 8th. My doctor had my anatomy scan scheduled for my 18th week, when I got there baby was measuring 19w3d. Of course, not significant enough to change my due date. Fast forward to now, 27 weeks, we just had our 3D ultrasound. The tech said our daughter is a chub! She mentioned that it was quite early for her to already have chubby cheeks, and she already has a decent amount of hair on her head. I’m just feeling anxious that she will come before we’re “ready” (if we’ll ever be ready, lol). I want to be out of work and prepared for when she makes her appearance but i don’t know what to do!!