Big nipples!

I was on the pill, then the implant and came off all hormonal contraceptives in August/September. My first cycle was 53 days and second 45 days. I am now on day 55 of this cycle!

I have noticed the last two times that my nipples have become large and painful (just the nipple not the breast). The same is happening now and I’m hyper sign of AF though.

We have been using the withdrawal method as I have PCOS and while we aren’t trying for a baby it would be a blessing. We have had sex a couple of times where OH has said he was very close to ‘off loading’ inside me. Just to add, I have been super super exhausted for the last 2 weeks, but that may just be Xmas blues.

Any ideas? Mostly annoyed with the nipples as it makes wearing a bra uncomfortable!