2 Year Dating Anniversary!

Abbi • Mrs. Bahr

When we were 5 years old I chased you around the playground, and you NEVER let me catch you. December 10, 2015 we met up at the old Bdubs, in Ashland, as old friends. The very next day was our first official date. January 7, 2016, you asked me to be your girlfriend and I decided I could trust my heart, one more time. October 1, 2016 we moved into our first (rented) house together, and began our life as a family.

For the first time in my life I looked at a man, laid my cards on the table, and rested in his reassurance; knowing full well I would never come to doubt him. I always saw myself as hard to love, and broken. By no means did he fix me, but he provided a safe place for me to fix myself. I had to relearn everything I thought I knew about love. Which ended up that I didn’t know ANYTHING. I learned to communicate instead of scream and retract. I learned to love without being terrified about what I’d find. I learned to fully trust and let someone into the deepest, darkest sides of myself I always tried so desperately to hide. And he loved me anyway, even though, and in spite of.

Now here we are on January 7, 2018 celebrating 2 years together. I gave you my heart, and you’ve kept it. You choose me even on my worst days. You have supported me in decisions, to better myself, that I always ran away from. I didn’t know what it felt like to be truly happy in so long.... and with you I am more myself than I have ever been. I hope 2018 has so much more in store for us. You have picked up every shattered piece of my heart, Stephen Ross Bahr Jr. and now you have my whole heart, for my whole life. Thank you for finally allowing me to catch you.

Hoping to be engaged very soon!!!!