Another Motherless Month


The dreaded red queen has arrived and that means another motherless month for me. This is a seriously emotionally taxing journey to travel. Out of all the women I know, I can only name 2 who have had difficulties getting pregnant. Others my age (I’m 24) and younger are just popping out tiny babies and it doesn’t help when everyone ask “are you pregnant yet?” Sometimes it’s hard not to respond ugly but I pull through and paint a smile and say “nope not yet mrs. so-and-so”

I’m also a first grade teacher and LOVE my job and my 17 “kids”. It’s really hard wanting to be a mom so bad and seeing how some of these kids are living and being treated. I know I’m not supposed to judge and I truly try not to. It’s even harder when you have a kid say their Momma is pregnant again. You look at that little face early in the morning with yesterday’s shirt on and think “but...but why not me...” then it doesn’t help when coworkers are all “gaww you’re still trying...I must be fertile-mertile I got pregnant right away for both my kids” like I get it mrs. so-and-so don’t wash you and your husband undies together in case your mertile is being extra fertile.

I know this was a long rant but I’m tired of being let down and put for my body’s lack of purpose. I guess I’m the meantime I’ll have to settle for 17+ annual kids. Lol