he just couldn't wait anymore:::

miranda • 💙💫💙 mummy to my Boo Bear 💙👣💙

I tried everything to keep him in and he just didn't wanna:::

Sunday early morning, after the false labor scare, I start having contractions again. but was able to sleep through them for the most part. they were bad but not terrible and irregular. finally woke up Sunday morning around 10am and was trying to take it easy. contractions were still anywhere from 10 to 45 min a part. didn't think anything of it so I had breakfast around 11. Matt made us burritos and we settled in for a Netflix day. around like noon while we're watching Peaky Blinders, I'm sitting in the computer chair in the living room cause it was the only place comfortable, and they start going again hard and heavy. like every 10 or 15 min. then get to 7-10 min. then they're like 5 min and I'm thinking "here we go again..." so the nurse in L&D; Triage had said to still use the 5-1-1 rule and come in if they reached 5 min a part, 1 minute long, for 1 hour straight and they were getting there. they had started at 2:30 and I began tracking them on my app. I told Matt I was gonna go take a shower to see if they would stop. they didnt. they got worse. I had 4 during my 15 minute shower. got out of the shower and tried to lay down. Matt came to check on me and they were so intense they made me throw up. Matt said "OK babe, time to go". it was like 3:15 at the point. so he had to get me dressed cause they weren't letting up at all. it was excruciating and happening so fast, like 3 min a part and I'm puking and he's loading the car and I stopped him in the middle of helping me to the car and said let's just make FOR SURE and wait for one more....BOOM another one haha!! it's legit 3:30 by this point and the 511 rule has for sure been met. so I'm like SHIT JUST GOT REAL. and im crying and scared and he's being amazing and using a calm voice and im like "don't forget the phone charger". 🤗🤗😂 I have like 4 more on the way to hospital which is like 12 minutes away.

we get there and I have to stop him twice while walking through the parking lot to wait a contraction out. I was THAT WOMAN about to give birth in a parking lot. that's what it felt like. it was so busy and I'm so glad I got to give some random people a story. lol. the admitting desk was like "go on up. need a wheel chair" when they saw us walk in. we get to L & D and Matt pushes the button for a nurse and he's like "yeah I think my girlfriends in labor". they remember me from the night before and she was like "oh now you look like somethings happening!!" and the paperwork goes MUCH quicker this time. they put me in triage, the nurse checks me and I'm still 1-1.5cm same as the night before. I am in so much pain. can barely speak. every 3-5 min another one. they call my OB and he says go time! so the nurse sends in the anasthesiologist but I have no idea who this guy is. he says "when did you eat last" I said around 11. it's like 3:50 at this point. he said "OK so we need to wait till like 745". and I'm like wait for what. he looks at me "to take you to the OR" and I'm like "were doing this TONIGHT." he said "yes you're having a baby tonight. we just have to wait 8 hours from when you ate so around 745 we will take you back. till then let's work on getting you prepped for surgery" 😳😳😳 so from 4-745, everything's a whirl wind happening around me while I'm DYING ON THE HOSPITAL BED IN PAIN. no one seems to notice except Matt of course. poor guy.

they're poking me with IVs and blood ports and then the nurse says "do you have a living will" DO I HAVE A WHAT?! omg. I've never had even a minor surgery so I'm freaking out now. then she says "I need you to sign this form stating that your OB might have to do a hysterectomy depending on what happens when he opens you up and you give him permission for this" I MIGHT HAVE A WHAT? to be fair i already knew this might be a possibility because of the fibroid but to hear it and sign for it is kind of gut wrenching when you want one more baby. then "do you accept donor blood in case of a life saving situation where you may need a transfusion" WHO SAYS NO TO THAT?! so shit is like really really real. and it's like 7:30 and they check me one more time and I had dilated from a 2 to a 4 in 45 minutes. LOL. I facetime my mom to tell her I love her and off we go.

Matt has his blue suit on. they're wheeling me down the hall way. I'm shaking. we get in the OR. dad has to stay outside while they give me the spinal and prep me. I remember my last contraction and OMGGGG sweet relief. they lay me down on the table. everyone's chatting...about golf, how their weekend was, the great new Philly Cheesesteak place in town (lol not really but really....). I'm just laying there terrified and wide eyed. they put the blue curtain up. they anasthesiologist asks me if I feel ok, nauseous etc I'm fine. I look back and ask "where's matt??" cause i feel something weird, I ask "where's my boyfriend wait don't cut yet!" doc says "were still prepping, dont worry. he's coming." oh....HA I thought they started without him.

he comes in, sits behind me, holds my hand and the show begins. it goes pretty quick. the doc says "yep this baby is really breech. there's one foot. there's another foot" then we hear it.... the most beautiful sound ever. Rhys's first cry. I look at Matt and we're both bawling and Rhys is going crazy crying and everyone's like "ohhhh wow he's a BIG BOY". i ask Matt can he see him and he says not yet ... they bring him to the table and Matt says i see him, he's perfect!!!! they take daddy over to cut the cord, they take dad and baby to recovery for skin to skin and the docs work on closing me up.

I'm laying there staring at the ceiling and I notice everyone's really focused. the anasthesiologist keeps asking me if I feel ok. he keeps pinching my fingers checking their color. i hear "better order one bag O+, no make it two" I don't think anything of this. I hear the words "code crimson" muttered. anasthesiologist keeps asking if I feel ok. I tell him my hand is asleep but other than that yes I'm fine! he explains to me "they're just closing you up 15 more minutes." I see a bag of blood being hung. everyone's still really focused. I ask if I look like Frankenstein, the doc says "maybe bride of frankenstein". the anasthesiologist keeps saying "10 more minutes, almost done" he's asking me random questions about what I can't even remember now. then he says "ok we're done!"

i get wheeled to recovery and for skin to skin and it was beautiful and amazing then they hang another bag of blood. and I'm told I hemorraghed on the table. I needed two transfusions. and I'm like "well I'm glad I said yes to that" they're like YEAH! apparently I lost a lot of blood. 1700 something or another (medical term) but apparently 1000 is really bad. but my OB and the OR team were ROCKSTARS. they never panicked and I had no idea what was happening to me.

my incision had to be made the classic way because of where the fibroid was positioned. but I'm healing great and feeling great. the strongest pain meds I've taken is Tylenol 3 with codeine! I got 15 staples and my scar looks really cool. I have a beautiful baby boy and he was worth every drop of lost blood. I had my angels in the OR with me and was in great hands. here's my favorite pic from the whole hospital stay. my milk had just came in, I had just woken up from a 2 hour nap, Dad snapped this of us and it's so beautiful to me. I'm so happy, blessed and amazed at how everything in my life has led me to this amazing moment: