Wet dream maybe? Also vagina help!!!

Larsa Pippen

Ok ladies so recently i have been feeling some discomfort in my labia minora lip it feels irritated kinda like dry. So i bought vagisil and i know i think its only for yeast infections or itch relieve. So it’s been on my mind what if it harms me since i didnt have any itch burn or pain and i used it. So last night i feel asleep and i remember dreaming i was touching myself on camera for like a web cam thing (i know weird) lol So when i woke up i had a bit of lower back pain which i thought was due to a period because i usually have pain a couple days before my period. So i went to the restroom and when i peed alot of discharge which looked like (sexual wetness) came out so i thought i might have gotten wet since i was dreaming what i mentioned above. Do women have sexual dreams?! Also does anyone know why i might be feeling this dryness feel on my vagina lip? I have no pain no swelling no itch it just feels a bit irritated. No strange discharge either. No odor either. I over think alot so i’m stressing myself out. Has this happen to anyone?!? I am sexual active in case thats a question you ladies needed answered. This started monday 01.08.18 Can someone please help me!!! 😣

Ps: just to make myself feel better if this discomfort continues i will be going to a dr next week but i just need someones opinion on this to calm me down a bit or tell me what to expect.