Labor scare brought on unwanted anxieties

Jordan • 21, Married, Mama of girls👑

So on Tuesday i went in to get checked for the flu, and my resting heart rate was between 140-160 so I was sent to the er and then transferred to L&D.; I was contracting pretty consistently every 5-7 minutes and they were getting a bit uncomfortable not painful but definitely there. So they were pumping me full of fluids because they think this was all brought on by the flu and being dehydrated. Anyways contractions stopped about 5 hours later. I am now at 3cm 80% effaced and baby at -1 station as opposed to my 2cm >50% effaced and baby at -3 station on Friday. So I made some progression and I was released from the hospital yesterday around two but ever since I’ve been home even the thought of going into labor scares the crap out of me. This whole pregnancy I’ve kept my anxieties to a minimum and enjoyed what I could, I have little to no fears about life after delivery and life with a newborn but I’m all of a sudden terrified of labor and especially the delivery part. Does any one else feel like this or have any advice? I don’t want to be tense and full of anxiety all during labor which I feel is coming soon. Ik it will just make me more uncomfortable to be stressed but I don’t know how to not be.