Confused. Help please!


So on the 08th of December I took a pregnancy test which came back positive. About an hour or 2 later I got a VERY light and unusual bleed (this is when my period was actually due for that month) It was mostly brown and ended in pink discharge when I wiped, not a period I’ve had before. The brown lasted 2 days and the pink when wiped lasted another 2 days. I assumed it was my period but I took another test after it finished just to be sure, from then I took 5 pregnancy tests, all were positive and I used 2 different brands. I made a Doctors appointment and on the 21st I had my bloods taken but they came back “not pregnant” so I assumed I must’ve had a miscarriage or something. Well my next period was due on the Sunday just gone so I’m 5 days late! I have absolutely no signs of it making an appearance. I’ve had a white creamy like CM for about 6 weeks now though (below).

Has anyone else experienced this? What was the outcome? Any advice? Thanks :)