Harassment?? Long story!


Hey ladies this is a pretty rough topic. Around a month ago my boyfriend of a year and I broke up. I broke up with him because he treated me wrong and I was fed up with it! He told me how there was more things in his life besides me that were more important and went on to tell me how I was crazy, cussed me out, and told me to go fuck myself. Since then I have blocked him on every form of social media I have. He has texted me on different random numbers since then multiple times, has had his friends and brothers try to text me, and all of this without any reply from me. I have asked him to leave me alone yet it still continues. He has left love notes on my vehicle along with being in the parking lot of my college when I leave and get there. He has came into my work multiple times which is a women’s clothing shop to try and talk along with he attempted to sing to me to get me back. My mother dropped off of all of his stuff that I had from dating him and she also personally told him to leave me alone. Most of all of it has died down yet he drives by my work at least 3 times a day just for the reason that I am there. Where I work is not on a high way but rather a town road and nothing else is out in that direction so there would be no other reason for him to drive by. Would you all consider all of this a form of harassment? Any ideas on what to do? I’m lost and need advice!