2 vessel cord


Today we went for our anatomy scan (19 weeks 3 days) and we were told the umbilical cord only has 1 artery. The doctor said that there could be a increased risk in chromosomal abnormalities (but she wasn't worried because we aren't high risk for any), kidney defect (but wasn't worried about that either as she got a good solid look at both) and a heart defect. Which she couldn't rule out because the baby's heart was under my bellybutton, so it just happened to be sitting in seesa dark spot, and it was difficult to get a different angle because of an anterior placenta. The heart was beating, rate was normal and we could see different chambers, so I'm not sure what kind of abnormalities could be pbossible. She did say that chances are everything is fine, but was sending us for a fetal echocardiogram just to be sure. The other inexpected news we got today, is that we are having a girl. I was a little disappointed, I was totally convinced it was a boy! I. glad we decised to find out now so I have some time to adjust lol. Has anyone else been diagnosed with a 2 vessel cord? Were there any complications?