Breakup (Long)

So I started talking this guy lets call him Z back in May last year..I had recently broken up with my ex of 2 years & I downloaded POF well Z & I started talking & hung out a whole weekend before I left for my trip to Texas for a month. He is 22 has a government job dealing with computer stuff seemed like he had his priorities straight. I ended up coming home early from TX because I missed him & wanted to be with him. At the time his schedule was 7a-5p so everyday after work I would drive over to see him we went out to eat all the time or seen a movie & he was obsessed with me it seemed like. Now his schedule is 3p- 11p what he was hired for. Since day 1 he told me about his previous 8 relationships & how they all did not last long because he was cheated on so he wanted me to be the last person he was with he was looking for a long term relationship. We started dating the 28th of May shortly after I came home from TX fast forward to August everything was perfect or so I thought..I went on a trip across the country & he was just being super weird to me so I brought it up well he decided to break up with me over text because I don’t talk to his parents when I come over & because I stress him out just all these dumb excuses. A little back story I have major anxiety issues he’s a mommas boy & let me tell you his mom is intimidating & very judgmental so of course I was afraid to talk to her. Since he got hired at this job he had 6 months to pass his certification test which he procrastinated until last minute in August also has nothing to do with me. So I kinda begged him to just give us some more time & he said no I dont think we belong together so we broke up for 2 hours until he texted me saying he took it too far & wants to be with me. So I get back from my trip & sit down face to face with his mother & talk about what I am doing “wrong” & my anxiety problems & just basically my life story so she understands why Im kinda stand offish towards her she understood & wanted to start over.

Alright fast forward to now everything has been great since that point we agreed on 100 communication, I trusted him completely, & I love him to death I would do anything for him. Well the past 2 weeks he’s gotten distant I would come over every weekend to spend time with him if I didn’t he threw a fit. But every time I was over I would have to practically beg him to pay attention to me because he’s been too busy playing his video games & the texting has gotten less and less. I spent every holiday with his family this year instead of my own to make him happy his whole family bought me gifts which I did not expect at all & told me how much they love me etc. I bought Z a PS4 VR for Christmas because he’s been wanting one I had him open it 2 days before Christmas because I worked on Christmas <a href="">eve</a> & day well he loved the gift but was upset bc I originally said no gifts so he didn’t get me anything. Well I came home that night to a box hidden in the tree he bought me a rose gold, gold, & silver necklace from littmans it’s beautiful & definitely didn’t expect it.

Well 2 days ago he was acting odd again texting me so I kinda confronted him he said Ive been off for the past couple weeks for a reason & I just dont know how to tell you. So I asked are you breaking up with me? He said can I come over tonight? Can it wait until I get there I have way more respect for you then to say it over text so Im like alright. He comes over we sat in his car for 2 & ½ hours talking. He said I think we should break up I of course asked why & he brought up that Im avoiding his parents still well little did he know just before He got there I texted his mother & asked if I did anything disrespectful to her or the family or if she has an issue with me & she said no not at all. So he lied about that. So I asked whats the real reason he was silent for a very long time then burst into tears which I haven’t seen emotion of any kind yet from him so I was shocked. He told me he feels like he doesn’t have his life together & his job is stressing him out since he doesn’t have his cert & he feels like he doesn’t spend enough time with me & because of it his feelings for me have faded the past couple weeks so he feels like he’s wasting my time. So I brought up how I’ve asked him for weeks if he still had doubts about us & he always told me no but apparently he did. He looked at me finally trying not to cry & said T I didn’t want to hurt your feelings thats why I lied to you & Im sorry for lying. So I asked again Z whats the real reason is it me? He said no its me but wouldn’t get anymore specific. He told me he loves me more then anything & I’m the best girlfriend he’s had but nothing can change his mind. He wants to take me out to dinner still this Sunday because I start clinicals this week & he just wants to “take me out” so Im like ok thats fine. He also still wants to go out with me on my birthday he pinky promised lol.

But he also mentioned he wants to remain close friends & his door is always open to me & he wants to continue hanging out. So Im kinda confused with this? So I asked him if he sees us getting back together at some point & his was right now I don’t have an answer for that. So Im like well do you want to date someone else? He said no I don’t have time for that why do you think we aren’t together. Well after our talk I got out of his car & he said can I get a hug? So I hugged him & said bye. He texted me yesterday & we had a short little conversation then nothing.

I re installed POF & he came up as meet me suggestion so I clicked on his profile & it said last active an hour ago. Im lost like you don’t want a relationship, I didn’t do anything wrong apparently but you’re on POF? Doesn’t make any sense & idk what I should or shouldn’t do at this point..