So let me start by saying that I know some are you are going to judge me and that’s fine but I really need some opinions. I’m currently 11 weeks pregnant today. My due date is August 3, 2018. I’ve had sex with two men. With the first guy, we had sex November 4th & November 9th. The first day of my last period was Oct 22 but according to my due date the first day of my last period is Oct 27 (I didnt have a period at all around oct 27). I was fertile on the 4th of November btw. I had sex with the second guy on November 12th. I was feeling kinda off before I had sex with the second guy. As if I knew I was pregnant already but I just want to be sure. I want the first guy to be my child’s father.

If anybody with the same due date can tell me when you conceived that would be great.