Worst. Night. Ever.


Hello ladies! So I’m turning to the community because I’m at a lost after last night.

So I started my period a few days earlier then expected which was no big deal but! I had cramps that kept me up, unable to sleep because of how painful they were. I took a hot bath and some pain killers around 1 am and those helped for maybe a few minutes (at least the bath did). Stayed up until 3 because they kept coming full force, almost like waves on a shore. They’d go away, but only slightly and then come back even worse. It got to the point where I felt like I was going to throw up or pass out. I was able to sleep for a few hours until they woke me up again and I was so dizzy and still feeling so horrible. I was finally able to sleep on my side to get more than 2 hours of sleep.

Now have any of you experienced something like this? Or know what could be going on? Please help a girl out.


My periods are normally really bad anyways. But this way something that I’ve never experienced. I called my doctor’s office and spoke to the doctor on call and he gave me the normal “probably just a really bad period” and right after reading my chart and confirming that I was there for infertility because I’ve been TTC for 2 years, he said “the best thing I can do for you is put you on birth control.” Let’s just say I don’t think he will suggest that to anyone who’s in the office for TTC again. The pain has subsided enough for me to be able to be normal. I’ve been instructed to go to the ER if anything changes. The pain was more then likely an ovarian cyst that ruptured at the same time that I was having cramps. My sweet mother in law brought me a few things to handle the pain and the day like some food and painkillers.

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Posted at
That sounds like my typical period, tbh. I usually have one night like that per month. When I was a kid I used to have my whole period at that level of pain.


Posted at
Sounds like night 1 or 2 of my typical period 😩 it’s the worst really. I don’t think in idicates anything “wrong” your body may just be shedding more this month or something. I normally find 3 aleve, laying in a hot shower for around 30 mins, and a sleeping pad put me to sleep through it


Posted at
This happened to me last month too, except I was at work when it happened! Waves of painful cramps (for the moments they were fully receded it felt like euphoria), sweats, nausea, dizziness, worsens upon standing. However, I have a copper iud right now, so my cramps have been pretty awful since then, but never as bad as they were last month. Have you thought about getting a TENS machine? (Not Livia--way overpriced. Non-pink ones go for much cheaper) I just got one to use with the period I'm having right now. It didn't make my worst cramps go away completely, but it sure helped ease it quite a bit! 🌸 Can't use them while you're sleeping, unfortunately. Heating pads are pretty great too!


Posted at
I go through this every cycle as I have really horrible and terrible periods. I wish I could give you some advice but I am at a loss because I’ve tried everything and anything. Only slight tips I have to help is one, the old fashioned hot water bottle, helps occasionally if water is boiled to like the maximum heat and it becomes blistering hot. And number two I have, which is kind of weird, but it works for me, whenever I have really horrible cramps I just go sit on the toilet and spend hours there, pants down as if I had to use the toilet. It just helps me somehow? Take something like your phone with to keep you occupied but just sit there for as long as you can. Maybe it’ll help you like it did me?If you ever wanna chat feel free to pm me, I know exactly what you’re going through.


Posted at
This happened to me last month, never has before! I ended up puking all day. I was told some people just have cramps that bad.


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could be a number of things, I would go to the doctor