Gotta vent about the helpless


I like my friend, but I don't want to constantly drive. We live in a city with a pretty good transit system, I had to learn it while my car was dead - I grew up in a rural area, so it was a new, scary experience, but I survived. She's tried the bus a couple of times and got lost, has no sense of direction and doesn't pay attention (I think she gets overwhelmed from the start). I made plans to ride a line with her one day, so that she could get to know the layout of the city better (when she drove, she relied on the GPS to get her everywhere, so she didn't learn the city). She cancelled, said she wanted to "be lazy" that day, honestly that pissed me off and I didn't offer to do it again. She shares her car with her SO, but won't drive. Always offers gas money, which I don't want. I want her to figure out her mode of transportation. I feel guilty not offering a ride, but I also feel it's expected, which I don't appreciate. It's okay to tell me if I'm a bitch or a bad friend, leave any feedback you want.