My Babies Names

Long post with a point and if you make it to the end, I have my baby’s names. I really can’t share my feelings or my baby names on here without being attacked with nasty comments and insulting jokes. I want to share my happiness but all I do is end up crying. I’m sorry my baby names aren’t traditional names. I don’t think my child will hate me because I named her something alternative. Kids are assholes and regardless of your name, they will tease and bully you about anything under the sun. Also, my kids are homeschooled so what now!? I’m just regretting paying for the year subscription for this; this hatred and hurtful things. I wanted to be part of a community and now I’m isolated from the community I wanted.

It’s hard to share my joy and happiness just to get shat on and having to go through every single comment and report honestly 7 out of 10 comments because they’re all against the GLOW COMMUNITY RULES. Hateful, rude, vile, derogatory comments. I swear to god I report more than I post!!

I’ve been part of the Glow community for awhile. It got so bad I had to change my name!! I’m lookin at doing it again.

I love Glow, but the hate, so many haters. 😔

Why can’t we just get a long?? Why do you have to be so rude!? Stop and think about what you’re about to say. Would you like someone to say that nasty thing to you?? No?? Don’t comment. It’s not really hard at all. You don’t like it, move on. I’m sure that this will be read but nobody will care. There will still be hateful things spoken to sensitive moms and rude people what strive to make others cry.

Have a nice day and weekend. Baby dust and happy name hunting.

For those that are curious what my kids names might be, for a girl I love Meadow and Bayou. For a boy I love Falcon and Brooks.

Haters gunna hate.

✌🏻 ❤️