Feeling unappreciated

So right now I’m unemployed but i am in school and a stay at home mom until i can find a job. I cook, i clean, i chase a toddler around all day and still find time to keep up with school work. Let my fiancé tell it. I don’t do anything. I’m one of those women who feel like i can do it all bit started to get stressed out so my fiance says he will help and let him help me. I took his advice and started asking him to help with small things to give myself more time for school work. I have to keep my grades up because financial aid is the only income i get right now. But now when i ask him to cook one day out of the week or give our son a bath he goes on this rage about how i don’t do anything around the house or he contributes to house chores as much as i do which is just not true. He hardly ever cleans, or cooks but complains when i ask for help and also complains when I don’t. I’m tired of arguing about it and idk what to do. It’s like he purposely tries to down play the effort i put in. And once i start working again then what? I’ll be doing it all? He says he’ll help when i get a job but he also said he would help with chores if i need it and that clearly isn’t true. I get everything done before he comes home most of the time so the things i ask him to do are few and far between. I asked him to sweep and 3 days later i had to sweep anyway. I’m extra tired because my period is due tomorrow and i have to study 4 chapters for a big test next weeks so i asked him to make dinner and he made a big deal about it. I’m at a loss on what to do or how to handle it. I don’t want to argue anymore. Any advice?