Obstetric Cholestasis/ICP????? Help!

Rebekka • Autumn Lee🌸 01.18.18💗

I am currently 38 weeks on the dot today and ever since I hit my third trimester I have had the worst itchiness on my stomach and ankles. The past few weeks the itchiness has moved and feels like it is all over my whole body. Today I scratched my ankles/legs so much that I have now started to make myself bleed. I can’t sleep anymore, I wake up after about 2 hours of sleeping, scratching my whole body raw, and hysterically crying because it hurts so bad and I am so miserable. My OB had me get blood drawn on January 3rd, but they still have not gotten the results back to confirm or deny that I possibly have Cholestasis.

(My legs are just permanently red from constantly scratching all day everyday, more so around my ankles/lower leg)

L&B; at my hospital prescribed me medication for swelling and the itchiness, none of which help at all. My OB continues to tell me to take Benadryl, but I have told her even that will only distract my body for 2-3 hours before I’m having another itching episode. I am scheduled to be induced on January 23rd (due date of January 27th) and honestly I don’t know if I can wait another day. My OB did prescribe me hydrocortisone cream but all it does is burn and does not keep me from scratching. She told me on Thursday that if the itchiness continues to be unbearable and miserable, to head to labor and delivery to see if I can get induced earlier if they find anything.

I’m just so worried because I know what Cholestasis can lead to such as still birth or other complications, but I am also worried they will just send me home and think I am crazy. I’m not sure what to do. If anyone is or has gone through these symptoms please help me 😞