Nursing Babies

Manar • Mother of an Angel Baby 👼🏼

My son will be 9 months on the 24th, and I noticed my milk supply drop these past few days. He's always very alert and responds to noise so he's starting not to latch on for more than a few minutes. We also started picking up on finger foods and he's liking that a lot. This past week he's been waking up much more (every 1.5-2hrs) and wants to stay nursing refusing the pacifier. He used to sleep much much better that his and wasn't really into night time feedings. I tried to pump today and I wasn't getting much an ounce or so. What should I do?

How should I increase my milk? Should I supplement one feeding until I get my supply back up? I'm not ready to wean him 😭 I was really hoping to nurse for a year but in the end it's definitely what keeps my baby healthy and full. Taking any suggestions.