

Hello, I am seeking advice on how to tell my mom about my relationship. I’m 17 years old and am worried about how my mom will react to the guy I am in a relationship with. My partner and I have been together for almost four months and have known each other for almost two years. Every relationship I’ve been in my mom gets highly upset and it often strains our relationship. My mom and I are very close but I cannot talk to her about my love life. My boyfriend and I went to our last Snowball dance last night and grew much closer. I am really wanting to come clean about the relationship knowing she will find out eventually, yet I don’t know what to say to her. I’m worried I will damage my relationship with my mother, but also afraid she will tell me I’m not allowed to see the man I’m currently with. He’s a very good guy but my mom doesn’t think anybody is good enough for me which just isn’t true and I don’t like her thinking this way. If somebody could please assist me I would greatly appreciate it! 😊