

Hey y'all, I'm on my high schools cheer team, I was on Varsity for football but then found out I got bumped to JV "to help the new girls" and I've helped as much as I can and when they were looking for a co captain they picked a girl who didn't have any cheer experience at all (this team is honestly more stomp the yard if I'm honest) and I just have been feeling a certain way cause I was recently sick and had problems with my throat and the girls would get mad at me if I didn't come to practice and I sprained my ankle 2 weeks ago and could barely walk and yet they wanted me to come to practice even when I was sick and couldn't move from my bed, and now girls are sick too and no one is getting on them about coming to practice I feel like I'm the only one and it stresses me out so much, we have till next month and then cheer is over I started cheer completely in love with it but now I just get so stressed cause I'm trying to focus on grades also and its just overall becoming to much but I don't want to seem like a quitter and not pushing through its really hard though physically and emotionally. should I quit or should I stay