Change of plans, into depression?

Katrina • I am ready for this journey and to bring life into this world with the man I love ❤️

Well I have been trying to get pregnant now for 2 years and I set my appointment for next month to begin the process of getting help with ovulation. Some things came up with my bf and he is making a big career change that may take longer than a year, so we decided to stop trying till he has the job he wants. But now I have gotten into such a depressed state.. I just want to stay in bed all day. I don’t want to be touch and I just feel sick all the time. I know this decision is what is best for us but I’m worried about things getting worse.. not knowing what’s wrong with me.. I am going to be 23 and I know your fertility begins to go down at 25.. I want to be a mom more than anything... I’ve been depressed before but never like this..