Inconsistent Periods


Sharing this to find girls with similar issues and to see how they plan for things.

I’m Maddie I’m 17 and I think I got my period when I was 12 If I’m remembering correctly. I have consistent periods what were light for about a year. And then all shit broke loose well not really but I lost control to be able to predict anything! I have very inconsistent periods and have gone a little over half a year with out one before. When I do get my period it’s sudden and very heavy flow. I have an endocrinologist and go there for hormone issues and she diagnosed me with PCOS about two years ago. I still she’s her but have not done anything to help with my period. My mom is not open to talk about this stuff and the options and it’s hard for me to do my own research. In general what do you girls do for when you period suddenly hits you? What do you like pads or tampons? What’s your favorite brand? I currently do not carry a purse with me but honestly would get one just to hold my phone wallet and emergency pads/tampons. Does anyone on here use fabric pads/ reusable pads? What do you think of them?