Weight Gain


Okay, so I am 23 weeks tomorrow & I have gained a total of 18lbs. Everyone keeps telling me it isn’t a big deal and not to worry about it and I’m trying but having a hard time. Since 17 weeks I’ve been gaining over a pound a week.😭 I eat pretty healthy and have always been self conscious of how I treat my body with food and exercise. I got diagnosed with placenta previa at 20 weeks so I am on pelvic rest and walking 45-1hr everyday to get a little bit of activity in. So I’m walking 7 days a week and eating decently healthy but I’m pregnant so I’m obviously going to give in here and there. According to my appearance it doesn’t even look like I’ve gained 18 pounds honestly. Anyone have any tips, suggestions, words of advice? Pre-pregnancy weight was 153 and now 171. Baby girl is healthy so I’m perfectly happy with that just not used to seeing these scales climb this much. My goal weight gain for my entire pregnancy was 25-30 lbs.😳