It's over!

My relationship is over! I haven't told him but I see it. I'm on the couch for the 3rd night.

He's in my $600 bed that I brought with me into this relationship. His selfishness is just too apparent at this point. After a while you have to stop excusing all the selfish bullshit and realize that a person just does not really care about you or keeping you. I feel like a fool but I know I'm worth more than this. I know I'm better than this. I will make a way and set back out in this world independent and bold. I believe God has a plan for me and I suppose this was just a rediculous detour to show me My kids and I will be fine anywhere. This is my chance to start a new. To start right. My first task is a good job search and nailing down a good job with benefits. Save for a few and find a place of my own. It will be hard but, I do know my worth and I am worth more than being ignored and treated like I don't matter! I would rather be alone than be in this for sure! **UPDATE FOR THoSE WHO CARE*** He left for work and didn't even tell me goodbye then first thing I get a text from him here's what was said (his messages come through out of order, sry.)the memes I sent him last night while he was ignoring me playing Lego Worlds...

I realize some will say the memes were childish. I've been trying for weeks to get him to stop being a selfish asshole though. As far as Facebook is concerned I just changed my cover photo to this

guess he some how thought that was directed at him. Any ways I'm pretty fed up with him! He's really such a selfish asshole half the time! Guess I'll see what happens when he gets home tonight.