Pills, D&C and now another :(


I just need to vent, so sorry for the long post.

Dec 11th was my first pregnancy appointment, I was 9w3d & we found out it’s a blighted ovum. This was confirmed a week later and I was admitted to hospital to begin the protocol with cytotec pills (where I live medical termination of pregnancy is done under medical supervision). I had a fever, got uncontrollable shakes and diarrhea and the worst headache. I passed some tissue and bled a.lot. but the sac was still in so I had to stay overnight. In the morning they gave me mifegyn and sent me home for 2 days with instructions to come back for another protocol with pills.

So I came back after bleeding like Niagara falls for the whole time and they gave me another full round of pills (4 vaginally then 2 orally every 3 hours, 12 altogether). I had to stay overnight once more because transvaginal ultrasound showed that gestational sac still didn’t budge.

Next day, 12/23, we decided on D&C;, which went fine and I felt better after.

I bled quite alot in the following days. It got better after about a week, but I continue to spot or lighty bleed until this day. Yesterday was my followup and doctors found that there’s still some coagulants inside :(. The pregnancy test is still positive. They prescribed some antibiotics and scheduled me to come back.

So tomorrow I have to go have another D&C;, this time with ultrasound supervision.

I’m just tired, mad, sad and want this all to finally be over. This should have been my first pregnancy and offcourse you’re a bit anxious but I just wasn’t prepared for how everything turned out. Nobody tells you miscarriage could last that long and you can’t know how physically and emotionally drainful it is.