High Risk Mama had her baby at 36w6d

Mama • Currently a mom to 2 boys, pregnant with #3, a baby girl due 2/2! Over the moon about it!!!

I have had a high risk pregnancy, had my cerclage put in at 16w and also started Lovenox and Makena injections at the same time! Well the day before I was scheduled to have my cerclage out she decided it was time and my membranes were bulging through the stitch. The cerclage was the only thing holding her in!!! I also had given myself a Lovenox injection the night before as I was switching to Heprin the next day lol. Anyways they cut my stitch at the hospital, and I was able to get an epidural since 12 hours had passed since my Lovenox shot (ideally they want 24 hours to pass but that wasn’t happening). My baby girl was born healthy and perfect!

To any of you mamas getting cerclages, getting Makena and/or Lovenox, do it! If it wasn’t for all of those, great Docs and a super supportive husband and family our little girl would likely not have made it this far or even be here right now! Good luck and trust in your faith! ❤️