Threatened Miscarriage? Period?

Tavia 😗

When I had my first miscarriage last year, I bled for 10 days and then my period came on about a week and a half later and my cycles were back to normal. On Monday, at 4 weeks and 4 days, I urinated and passed a clot. I was not able to retrieve it due to me freaking out. I went to the ER but being so early, they could only say threatened miscarriage but my beta had doubled since Saturday. I only have bled when I urinate for the last two days. I wear pads and nothing, however, this morning while urinating I passed a clot but no looked more like my period. Can anyone tell me if I'm actually starting my period or still? miscarrying? I suppose to go get bloodwork done tomorrow but the threatened snow storm may dampened those plans. My boobs still hurt but that can now be a pms symptom. I was optimistic and praying that I was still pregnant but I do not feel pregnant anymore. I'm so hurt but praying God gives me peace with this one as well.