Single and pregnant


Just out of curiosity how many of you guys are single like doing it all in your own?🤦🏿‍♀️ ugh the thing is I had sex twice with the dad we where really really good friends before that but I DID NOT! Want a relationship like that so I said enough he respected it but now I guess we can’t even be friends again. ( hit guys they will get you every time!) so now I am 25 left on my own( minus family friends) you get what I mean. To have this baby it’s sad cause I want my little one to have a dad but at the same time his father legit has done NOTHING TO HELP ME OUT luckily for me my dads a lawyer and I have aunts who are judges and stuff so I’ll get my child support but emotionally I am struggling. Like I feel we are not meant to do this alone 🤦🏿‍♀️ breaks me down as each day goes by as each mile stone hit that his father will not be in it. I just wanted to know how any others have delt with it. Because at one hand I am like so I do t care act like that then on the other hand I am practically beside myself begging the baby daddy to come to an ultrasound appointment.