1/17 - First ultrasound


I just wanted to share this with you girls....I had my first ultrasound today! I am sonographer and my last pregnancy I peaked all the time at baby and everything looked great but I still lost it SO this time I told myself NO peaking . ..and I haven't at all. I was *so* nervous going in for my official ultrasound this morning, I swear my heart was beating 120 bpm. Just so nervous of what they may or may not see.

My fiance was with me with his hand on mine in the waiting room trying to calm me down. Anyway we got back there, she put the probe down and breathed a huge sigh of relief....

I saw the heart flickering. Baby is measuring 8 weeks which is actually 3 days further than I thought I was based on my ovulation day.

I am sooo extremely thankful to God for this precious gift and every night that I thank him, I ask him to bless you girls with the same gift and I know He will!!!❤❤❤❤❤❤