Baby Shower Drama


I love to help people host showers. I love to decorate and I always pay close attention to the Guest of Honor’s likes and dislikes. Use people close to the mom or bride to be.

Now it’s my turn to be the Mommy to be. To be honest I really really didn’t even want a shower. I HATE being the center of attention. So after finally convincing family that I will do the shower but we are doing it my way. They and I agreed. A get together, eat, laugh and socialize, maybe some games and no hour long of opening gifts and totally coeds. So not traditional.

Fast forward to the actual planning. My Pastor’s wife who was confirming the date with started asking questions. Before I could even share my ideas and most of my already set plans. She had people assigned doing stuff and had my shower basically planned. My mother in law against every game I want to play, half my ideas and acting like I’m being a brat for being against their ideas. Both say, “We want to honor your wishes and do it your way...” but actions say otherwise. Now I’m sitting here with half put together plans a handful of former students who want to help with the shower that I have to say no you can’t help and a shower I don’t want to attend. Also I had already planned to pay for everything, but I guess traditionally certain people paid for certain things... because of that my opinion are super limited.

Can I just go back to my original plans? Just ignore everyone else’s? Let my former students host the shower instead or let traditional plans happen and let the older ladies in our church run the show? ( Even though they express many times they are worn out doing showers.)

I know I’m being a momzilla!