back story:Amh level 1

back story: Amh level 1.2 ttc since Jul '17 took gardisil shots '11-'12 I was worried bc I read gardisil could cause premature ovarian failure and deplete your ovarian reserve. was growing weary of the hope disappoint cycle each month. got to the point where I took a hiatus from the app. I read on here that it happens when you least expect it to. so my response was to let go and stop exerting effort by logging bbt buying.opks and hpts my husband and I prayed earnestly. I believe the" Most High"is the giver of all life including mine and yours I read scripture that states he knows us even befire he formed us in the womb . I read the story about elizabeth husband in the bible who prayed earnestly to the Lord to cause his wife to conceive and she did. I read lots of passages that describe The Most High opening the womb or causing the woman to conceive which implies it is He that does it. He gives and breathes life into us all. so I went to Him in pryer. asking him that as he has done for others please do for us. its a wonderful feeling. there is gladness in my heart bc he heard us and answered us. and I said that I'd share what was done for us to encourage another. even if you seek fertility assistance it is still He that will cause it to work. I was seriously considering it clomid iud... I'm not sure if any couple shift blame on the other partner...but it can happen it bc I drink to much it bc I smoked 2 years ago is it bc I'm overweight is it my past that's now catching up to me....these are thoughts of mine that became heavy on me during the ttc window. I begged God just as Hannah in the bible to conceive bc he created me as a woman and a woman brings forth life...and I sincerely want to bring forth children for my husband bc he wants them too... He has brought gladness to my heart and it is my prayer you'll experience the same...gladness. I'm now 4wks along try looking up the passages on the bible stories I referenced.