reassurance on telling parents


I just need some other QUILTBAG folks to reassure me that everything is going to be fine next week. I'm 23 and live on my own, recently broke up with my high school sweetheart. Now I'm dating my best friend, who lives several states away. I'm visiting this week, and next week I'm visiting my parents. It's going to be really obvious something is up so I'm planning to tell them that:

1) I'm dating again even though I'm four months out of an almost 8 year relationship

2) I'm dating a person I'd only known from the internet until a week ago

3) It's a girl

4) It's a trans girl

My parents, especially my dad, are pretty conservative Christians. I'm not planning to tell them about us being poly, nor about my plan to move in with her next year, nor about how I'm fairly certain she's my permanent primary. But just the stuff I do plan to tell them makes me want to vomit. Reassurance please?