I think I’m losing our rainbow baby:: UPDATE


UPDATE:: 6 days later and went in for an ultrasound. We heard the heartbeat and baby is doing well!!!!

Original post:

I think we are losing our rainbow baby 😢 I am 7 weeks and 1 day. Exactly a week ago we had a strong healthy heartbeat and saw our baby. I started spotting light brown only when I wiped.. and then yesterday it got heavy. I was at my doctors for a check up anyway and she told me all of my levels looked fine and we had a healthy heart beat (judging from the previous week’s scan). She prescribed me progesterone just in case.

This morning I woke up with more dark brown discharge.. but this time there’s a lot of pink in it. This is exactly what happened the other times we mc and so I am just beyond upset. And I have no one to talk about it with. Not even my mom knows about this pregnancy- we had such high hopes and we were waiting for everything to be perfect. I honestly don’t think I can go through this again. 😢