Trying to understand 😅


I'm not all that well versed in the tracking department as I think I should be considering my husband and I are ttc. We had a miscarriage in September and I wanted to start testing my bbt and I finally ordered in ovulation tests and a thermometer on the 30th. Well they came in on the 9th and I decided to start testing. I was only 2 days into my fertile week when I tested. BAM a positive. 2 hrs later I tested again to see if it was real and sure enough another positive 😍. Grabbed hubby and was like "hey it's positive let's go have sex." He gives me this 😑 look and goes "but we had sex at 3:30am yesterday and last night" so we had sex and I enjoy fucking you I married you because I loved the sex. (No I don't just enjoy his dick, he's 6'2" and I'm 5'5" that's why 😂 jk). So we go fool around and go back to whatever we were doing. So now it's been 9 days since and I don't want to test quite yet but my m-i-l got me a fitbit for Christmas and I started wearing it frequently to keep track of my sleeping patterns since I'm a shift worker and like to see how badly I sleep. So this week my heartbeat has been slowly increasing and my temperature is also increasing. Should I test soon?