Membrane Sweep- did it work for you?


Hi!! I’m 38 weeks/4 days pregnant with my 3rd child. At my OB/Gyn appt today, I was 3 cm dilated and 50% effaced. My doctor performed a membrane sweep on me. They want to induce me next week, but she asked if I wanted the sweep to help things along. I don’t want to be induced if I don’t have to be. I’m hoping I will go in to labor soon... My baby has been head down for weeks and I feel a lot of pelvic/rectal pressure and have a good amount of Braxton Hicks regularly. My 1st was born at 39 weeks and 2nd was born at 37 weeks. I lost little bits of my mucus plug last week, but not the whole thing. Have any of you had a membrane sweep? If so, what’s was you experience? Thank you in advance!... 😁