When to announce?


So I’m 12w 4d pregnant with our first child and I’m wondering when did you all announce officially that you were expecting??? It took us a year to get pregnant and my husband is excited but I also believe he is nervous/scared something could still happen. We announced to his parents, his brother, and my mom on Christmas and now his mother is after us to tell people because she can’t keep a secret to save her life...but she is really badgering us (me) about announcing to the family, but we live in a small town and as soon as his family knows EVERYONE will know. And I told her we would tell people when we were ready, but she still won’t back off. My husband says he isn’t ready to tell people yet and doesn’t want the whole world to know...and I respect how he feels, but how long should we wait? When does a person really start to show to the point you can’t hide it??