Scared to Test!!! (Molar Pregnancy Survivor)



I am so scared to test! AF is 2 weeks late and I’ve had the worse nausea the last 4-5 days. It’s all day, but I’ve only started 🤮 yesterday and today. I am currently lying in bed, waiting for my husband to get home with the pregnancy test that he is insisting I take. I am so scared though. I had a molar pregnancy in 2016 and nearly died. With a molar pregnancy you have all of the pregnancy symptoms, including morning sickness, cravings and tummy growth. I was on my couch for 6 months before a doctor could figure out wtf was wrong with me. It took me “going into labor” for them to perform emergency surgery. Long story. I’m just terrified of not being pregnant and going through a molar again, as it was my second one. I have an 8 year old son and my husband and I have not been trying per se, but we haven’t been preventing either so it has bothered me that I haven’t gotten pregnant since my son was born. So....

I am currently accepting baby dust, prego dust, fairy Wish me luck!

Also! Do you think it’s better to test in the morning or should I just test right away?

If anyone has had a molar pregnancy, let’s support each other!

Thanks Ladies!


⭐️ Update: