TTC 10 years and just wishing for a break.


To start off I want to say congrats to all the beautiful women out there that are pregnant, and to those who are trying I wish you the very best on getting pregnant. My story starts when I was 13. I was put on the depo shot for 6 months while I was in a juvenile home. Ever since then my cycles have been waaaay off. I use to go a couple months without a cycle, now I have been exactly 1 year and 4 months without a cycle. About 5 years ago I went to see a gyno to help me figure out why I could not have a period and concieve.Diagnosis was PCOS. So he put me on a pill to start my cycle, clomid to ovulate, and each and every month I would cry myself to sleep after seeing the negative result on the test. I got so depressed after a couple of years of going through months of my heart breaking with that one little negative. My gyno did a test where he put a tiny tube up through my cervix to see if there was some kind of blockage, and the result was nothing. Everything was perfect.Later the doctor did a test on my husband (keep in mind he already has 2 kids with his ex girlfriend in mexico.) to see how he was on his little fishies(sorry that is just what we call his The results came in and the doc said he has a high sperm count but that they are just a bit slower than normal and could be caused by trauma down there or for the kind of underwear he wears. So after so many disappointing results I decided to give up for awhile. It is not easy going through infertility and every single man and woman just needs to keep reminding themselves that one day you will be blessed with a child. It just might take some time to get to that day.