Arrival of Ryann Kelly



It started a week prior at the 37 week mark and the contractions were horrible( low pain tolerance) and I had a headache that just wouldn't go away. Went to the hospital to be evaluated and of course the contractions were not consistent or strong enough. My cervix was checked and was told baby is low and I was 1.5 cm and was very soft. fast forward to 38+3 01/15/18 me and my SO did the deed around 1:30am and I started to leak pink fluid about an hr later. the leak was slow but I was able to fill two liners within 45 mins. I knew labor would last a while so I decided to sleep for a while. I woke up around 630 am and my panties were soaked. called my midwife and was advised to come to the hospital around 8 after the shift change. there was about an HR to kill so we packed our belongings since baby bag was already packed. made it to the hospital at around 8:35 and got check in. midwife came in around 920 to check if my water was broken and it was indeed was given the option to start pitocin as I was only 2cm and 60 effaced. I was ready to meet this little one so of course I chose to stay and be induced. PItocin was started around 1030. the contrations were hitting fast but were managable for about 2 hrs. by 12:30 had the epidural and was dilated to a 4 and 80 effaced by 2:00. my fiance decided to leave and go check on our oldest daughter. at this time I'm having the worst pain on the right side if my back. laid on my right side and and the pain finally wne ta way maybe after an HR. after that I feel nothing and I'm in total bliss. about 335 my SO walks in and we are talking. the nurse walks in to have me switch sides this is at 3:40. she pulls back the cover to help me adjust and she SCREAMS OUT OMG I CAN SEE HER HEAD. at this time my fiance is walking by and literally looks scared(her whole head was out and she was looking around). I'm laughing so hard cause I can't feel a thing. no pressure or anything. finally the nurse has me push and out she comes with just one single push. midwife missed delivery By a minute. the placenta was delivered and I had a 1st degree tear that required no stitches. Miss Ryann Kelly was born weighing 7.8 and 18 3/4 long