I’m really trying not to get my hopes up!


So I just had my daughter 9 almost 10 months ago and me AND my fiancé have been having some serious baby fever lol so after I gave birth to my daughter we just couldn’t wait to start having sex again lol for more reasons than one 😉 but we both knew that TTC can be so dam stressful and neither of us wanted that. So we decided that we were not trying but not preventing either and just going with the flow. Then I found out I had a miscarriage in Oct 2017. It really sucked and I’ve just been trying not to think about it but ever since then I’ve seriously been wanting to get pregnant. But this month we had sex a few days right after my last period and they fell in my ovulation period (I found out later) and then today according to Glow, I was supposed to get my period and I haven’t gotten it yet. Then I had a dream last night that I went to the doctor and had a positive test (super weird) and I have that “feeling” but I REALLY don’t want to get my hopes up bc I don’t want to get let down again. Has anyone else been thru this? And please share your experience!