Searching for my cycle buddy

💗Pinkie💗 • Mommy of a 14yr old a 6 yr old and 2 yr old twins

Desperately searching for a cycle buddy or just someone that is going down the same path to have someone to talk with,vent with ,cry and laugh with and symptom spot with me (lol) I am a 32 yr old (pcos,thyroid issues and overweight) pos addict as well I’ll need someone that shares my addition lol so I don’t feel like a crazy person lol. My fertile week is the 24-30th with my cycle is scheduled to make its debut feb 12th

My 10yr wedding anniversary falls on the 10th (also my great grandfathers birthday)feb and our 12yr mark falls on the 26th. (So feb is a big month for us)

I have 2 kids 10 and 2 daughter(10)conceived naturally and my son(2) was <a href="">iui</a>(2nd go around)I have had one missed miscarriage at 9wks and a chemical in December I’m hoping for my sticky healthy baby in feb!!!!! I use this app as well as fb I would like to fond someone here and maybe can add each other on fb for easier access lol don’t really like the message center on here to much but if want add me on fb as well

Pinkie M. Slayton shoot me a message on here or Facebook and tell me more about your journey good luck you everyone and thanks for reading my personal ad 😂