Need some breastfeeding advice!


My daughter is almost 17 months old. She finally got her first tooth around 2 months ago and the second a month ago. They’re her top middle ones. In the last 2 weeks or so I have started really noticing her teeth when I nurse her. She’s down to two sessions per day: first thing in the morning and before bed. The last 2-3 days have been particularly painful (but maybe because I’m in the middle of my cycle). I’ve even noticed marks from her teeth just above the nipple on my areola. My breast tissue is very soft and she’s always had a hard time getting a deep enough latch. I don’t know whether it’s the teeth or she’s just getting lazy. If it’s really painful I’ll pull her off and tell her it hurts but she just gets really upset. I’ll re-latch her after a minute and she’ll latch relatively well but go back to shallow. I don’t know what to do at this point. I’m starting to get to a place where I’m not enjoying it anymore, but I was really hoping to let her self-wean. Anybody been through this or have any suggestions?