Breaking the good news!

Allison • Glow Community Advocate
So it finally happened! You got 2 lines, or a + on the pregnancy test! ( the digital that you splurged on says “pregnant”!) This is what you have been spending so much time and money on, your blood, sweat and tears have led up to this day! But...

…..How are you going to break it to someone you know who is also struggling with infertility?

I made friends in the infertility community and found out that I already had friends struggling with infertility when I started talking about it. Some of them got pregnant before me and I was happy for them but still sad for myself and wishing I had the same good news to share, then of course I would feel very guilty for not being 100% happy for them, you know the drill.

I found it best to tell someone I know is struggling 1 on 1 and before making any kind of announcement. This can be done in person, over a call or even text. I preferred to get that kind of news over text or phone because then I could have whatever reaction came out first in privet.

When I got pregnant I either called or texted people who I knew were struggling and let them know when I was planning on announcing on social media. The other thing I did was make a privet group online so that everyone wasn't seeing every single update and bump picture.

Best of luck to everyone, hope I see you in the Glow Announcements group soon!